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Dermatology in Singapore has its roots dating back to the early 1900s, initially as a venereology service in 1934, followed by a dermatology clinic in 1945 in the Outram Road General Hospital. The first dedicated centre for dermato-venereology was set up in 1957 in the Middle Road Hospital and rapidly expanded its services. The tremendous increase in demand for services led to the building of the National Skin Centre, which opened in 1988, and establishment of dermatology departments in all acute care hospitals in the country.

For more than 50 years, dermatologists in Singapore have been actively collaborating with colleagues from Asia and globally to develop the specialty.

We have nurtured close and long-standing relationships with counterparts from around the world, visited and studied in international centres, and in turn hosted many visiting experts to share, learn and exchange knowledge and skills.

Specialist training in dermato-venereology is highly desired and the programme highly rated. Training is helmed by the National Skin Centre (NSC), with support from National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Changi General Hospital (CGH).

The dermatology fraternity is tightly knit, and works closely to raise the profile and reputation of the specialty. We are proud of our programmes that have increased patient accessibility to dermatological services, that have enhanced patient-centred care and patient safety, and that continue to improve the skin health of the community.

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