Dermatology Beyond Borders – Science – Care – Communities
‘Dermatology Beyond Borders’ encapsulates the hope for clinicians, researchers, industry and other partners to gather in Singapore for the 2023 WCD to extend the boundaries of dermatology.
The conference will improve cooperation across geographic, political and economic borders, and collaboration to promote dermatology and improve skin health for all. It will present a broad, deep and interesting scientific programme that will cover not only clinical areas, but also enhance patient and community engagement, and understanding of basic and translational research. We aim to transcend borders to be an inclusive conference that will celebrate diversity.
The conference will be underpinned by Science, will advance Care, and will celebrate Communities.

The Singapore WCD logo combines references to Earth from space, the histology of the skin, a number of iconic Singapore buildings with domed roofs, in colours reflecting our blue-green planet and the vibrant colours of our local Peranakan culture.