Letter from the President

Dear friends and colleagues,
Warm wishes from me and the Singapore WCD team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and in good spirits.
These are difficult times for all of us. The CoViD-19 pandemic continues to wreak great suffering and disruption to lives and livelihoods, and it is likely to do so for some time ahead.
I would like to update you on what we have done since the Milan WCD when we were given the honour to host the 25th WCD in 2023.
Our first action was to choose a professional conference organiser. We went through a thorough review process and eventually picked the Triumph Group International as our PCO. Triumph was the PCO for the Milan WCD and we are pleased and confident that together we will be able to present an excellent meeting in 2023.
We have worked closely with the ILDS to finalise the congress budget. We have also launched our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and are finalising the congress website.
The National Organising Committee has been formed, it will assist in planning and operationalising the Singapore WCD programme. Like everyone else our meetings have been conducted through teleconferencing.
CoViD-19 has caused the cancellation of almost all meetings and conferences worldwide and will change the way we hold large meetings in the foreseeable future. We cannot know for sure when conferences can resume. When they do, they will probably be on a smaller scale and employ new technologies to deliver content and enable exchange of information safely and efficiently.
We are cognizant of the many new challenges we face in organising the WCD in this new reality of CoViD-19, and will work with ILDS, partners and stakeholders to look for new ideas and the best solutions to ensure that WCD 2023 will be as fruitful and educational as possible. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please send them to wcd2023singapore@thetriumph.com
Fortunately, it is 3 years till the Singapore WCD. Hopefully by then there will be a slate of scientific and medical advances to effectively control and prevent CoViD-19.
Till the next time please stay safe.
Sincerely and in solidarity
Prof. Roy Chan
President of 25th WCD 2023