WCD 2023 Singapore flies to Tokyo: ISID 2023 – come visit our Desk n* “v.”!

WCD2023 Singapore will take part in the upcoming ISID 2023, from the 10th of May until the 13th of May.
International Societies For Investigative Dermatology (ISID) was Founded By ESDR, JSID And SID In 2013. As Charter Members the three societies agreed a memorandum of understanding for the organisation of future joint meetings. Since the founding of the society, the Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology and Taiwanese Society for Investigative Dermatology have been accepted as regular members and the Australasian Society for Dermatology Research as an Associate Member. ISID meetings are held every 5 years and replace the former IID and “Tricontinental” meetings organised in the past.
Come visit the WCD2023 Singapore desk n* “v.”!