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Scholarship submission process is now closed.

Scholarship awards will be offered by the WCD to assist deserving and suitable trainees, dermatologists and others from around the world to attend the Congress.

Types of scholarships and Eligibility requirements:

  • WCD Trainee Scholarship: an applicant who is in training in dermatology as a resident (medical students are not eligible for scholarships).
  • WCD Rising Star Scholarship: a dermatologist under the age of 40 years at the time of the World Congress (July 3rd, 2023) and not at the rank of Full Professor.
  • WCD Dermatologist Scholarship: certified dermatologists residing in one of the countries defined by the World Bank as Low income or Lower-Middle income. Applicants should be working at least 80% in public institutions

Scholarship amount may vary and may be used to cover the costs of registration, travel or accommodation.

With an unrestricted educational grant from:

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